
20-Minute Morning Meditation...Amazing


First thing when you wake up, set a timer for 20 minutes. Lay down, close your eyes and belly breathe.

Belly expands on the “in” breath, sinks in the “out” breath.

Allow feelings to come. Explore what they are or let them dissolve. Just keep focusing on nice full breaths.

If you do that meditation every morning, you will:

  1. Clear out your inner space from the past, giving you a fresh beginning for the future.
  2. Feel a richer sense of “who you are,” and what is good for you.

You will realize a new steadiness to your emotions, because you have already established a baseline of inner-peace. You can always pause, take a few big breaths, remember that clean space and return to it.

That is why doing this FIRST THING when you wake up is so powerful, it clears the inner sanctum before you’ve even had a single thought. Your whole day will change.

Here’s a tip: Touch your tongue against the back of your top teeth…this opens the nasal passage and throat for easier breathing.

The 20-minute morning meditation will massively improve your emotional intelligence.
Gradually, you will feel a new clarity about life.

You will begin to feel okay with everything. You will feel clear to do what you genuinely love in this brand new day.

Just lay there and breathe. No rush to do anything.

In that stillness, everything becomes crystal clear. You see that

-Breathing is the master of thought and emotion. -The inner wold is as real as the outer world. -There is total peace beyond words, beyond thoughts.

You will have a temple within, no matter where you go. More and more, you will have what people call “self-mastery.”

A fresh new start for you.

“What is the mind? Who is seeing these words? Do not mistake any state for Self-realization, but continue To ask yourself even more intensely, What is it that sees?” -Zen Koan

If you would like to go deeper into meditation, you could join a 10-day silent meditation retreat:

The retreats are all free [they run on the donations of past students]. You can see the upcoming courses by clicking on a center on this map https://www.dhamma.org/en-US/locations/directory


For a map of all Dhamma Vipassana Centers around the world, visit: All Dhamma Centers

If you’d prefer guided meditation, check out this video:

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